Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Out my kitchen window....

I love this time of year, how the sun sets just about the time
I'm usually cooking dinner.
And I love my little kitchen windows that allow me this view!
Last night it was especially gorgeous and exceptionally peaceful despite
the traffic, power lines and the constant
motion in front of our house.
It had rained all day, and just before the sun went down there was a break in the clouds.  The entire house took on this golden glow, so much so, it almost didn't seem real....

Sweet is the rest that comes at close of day,
When life departs, the spirit flies away
To be with Thee, the One whom I adore,
And live with Thee and Thine for evermore.

This blessed rest, O Master, give to me,
That I may find my peace, my all in Thee.

Hymns Old & New #317


paige said...

beautiful post
both in images and your eloquent words :)

Deb said...

What an incredibly beautiful sun set & amazing view from your kitchen window.